2013-05-28 08:54#105790 BeanyUnited : Wow what a update! Great stuff as always Louis
Great stuff as usual Louis? I think it was fairly obvious Michael wrote that

Not really, he wouldn't have censored it

2013-05-28 08:54#105790 BeanyUnited : Wow what a update! Great stuff as always Louis
2013-05-28 09:15#105796 Glenn T : Love Pellegrini's raging hahaha, brilliant update.Thanks Glenn
2013-05-29 13:52#106275 Jord_FFGI : Hope you join LiverppolBut the question is whether I should...
2013-05-29 13:54#106278 k1rups : Chris Kamara would not go from a team that is top of the Premier League to a team that is 16th! DONT DO ITRelax, if I do move, I'll only join once the season has ended, so no relegation battles
2. Loving how angry Pelligrini is...he seems to calm in real life!
3. I'm lovin' it...
4. I have to agree with the others. Despite me wanting to see you in charge of Liverpool FC I don't see the point in leaving the job that you are doing so well in. Stick with it and don't give into the temptation of the mighty Reds
2013-05-29 16:23#106343 Arvind : From 2nd to 16th huh? Seems like a plane crashAnd then the plane crashed into water but the people survived because Kammy was coming, but then he ran away and they all died. But they were plastic fans of course, glory hunters because, for once, Liverpool were actually quite good
2013-05-29 16:35#106347 Glenn T : It would be awesome if you could go to Liverpool, but I know that's not happening because only a fool would go from top to bottom of the PremWithout me, Saints would go to the bottom of the table and Liverpool to the top
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