Diary Entry 16
April 10th, 2013
Dear Diary,
A few weeks ago we saw a strange animal. First we thought it was that grey Gorilla again, but this one walked on 4 legs. Than we were thinking of an old grey wolf, but this thing didn't had a tail, and actually didn't bite. It turned out it was a genetically modified grey donkey without a tail, but it was so mentally retarded that it was searching for one. The mayor's daughters saw their chance, adopted him and called him ironically manchesterblue, which was the the color of the underwear they were wearing and the city they bought their latest breast-implants.
So I promised each player they could use him for their bags and personal purposes. at least: when they scored or held the 0 in case of the goalie. The others needed to help themselves with Andrew. Only Adam was motivated, and a 1-2 loss was the result against Ballymoney Utd. The donkey had a few more carrots to suck on the match after, Besic scored 3 times, and as a generous man he is, he offered manchesterblue to the whole team.
After this the whole team was trying to get a few more nice results, and while manchesterblue was ridden by Heskey, Terry, Vladimir, and the Mayors sisters in the opponents dressing room, we were busy winning. The 2 matches against Larne gave us 7 goals (4-0 and 3-0) and manchesterblue 7 extra meals.
Around a week ago we had a sour loss after penalty's in the final of the Mid Ulster Cup, Laughall beated us, and so we beated Andrew, for not sucking the donkey enough times a week (hey, even the donkey needs to give his milk). After that loss, the donkey was put in the basement, for shooting some promotion material for the new site of Nick: The second Ass! It had already 35000 views when Nick called me this morning. After checking the IP's there was 1 which had a lot of hits. Backtracing it, it seemed it came from the mayor's office. I think the "Daughters" likes the site.
Anyways, we had the last match yesterday. In the All-ireland cup I promised the guys that if they won, they could all try to be manchestersblue's new tail. So after the 2-0 win in the match, I needed to buy a lot of cigarette's, because they smoke all a cigeratte after "it". Costed me a few bucks, but i think it is worth for manchesterblue, who finally gets all his belly filled. Andrew couldn't take the day off, he needed to clean all the coacks, but he was eager to work for his share.
Bye diary, see you soon. The katholic girl I met yesterday wants some attention, looking at the gagball, whips and kitty-uniform she brought with her.