With your games in hand I think you can really hold on to that spot
Kammy is working his magic haha

2013-05-23 06:24#104049 k1rups : With your games in hand I think you can really hold on to that spotKammy is working his magic haha
2013-05-23 13:38#104158 ziechael : Third, games in hand, Kammy at the helm.... smells like Europe to me. Great work and good luck
2013-05-23 14:27#104179 Louis O. : Since when was Kammy at the helm a good thing?How could it not be, the man is a legend lol
Glenn T:I can't find the error, but I have fixed the vs. Everton thing now
You made a mistake with the size coding and the first spoiler - "vs Southampton", pretty sure it's versus Everton! Other than that, excellent update, excellent results.
Title challenge? ;)
OnTheBallCityNCFC:Thanks, I hope we can keep it up too
Doing great man! keep it up! :)
BeanyUnited:Thanks Beany
Quality Update mate :)
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