your doing awesome man, good results nice win infront of the TV cameras

2013-03-20 23:56#86234 PaukerJ : You can make it mate! You deserve to be in the panel and in the judge panel.Thanks Pauker
2013-03-21 18:15#86323 jasonvilla4ever : your doing awesome man, good results nice win infront of the TV camerasThanks Jason
2013-03-22 01:02#86411 The Madridista : Not so great month, but you're still far away from getting relegated and that in itself is a great achievement. Keep up the good work and keep posting updates because I'm loving the story!Thanks Jason
2013-03-22 19:34#86507 Devil. : Loving this story Justice, getting a solid league position, hope the results come in for you soon!Thanks Devil
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