Football Manager 2018 League Updates
Add more playable leagues to FM 2018, which are created with the Football Manager 2018 data editor. For example, you could unlock English non-leagues in FM18.
Turkish Lower Leagues (Level 5)
12316 1180Adds the 3.Lig and Regional Amateur Leagues of Turkey to FM 2018, with correct formats for the 2018-19 season, including transfers and managerial changes.
Greenland Football Database for FM18
10429 604Adds the Greenlandic national team and league to Football Manager 2018. Complete with continental (CL+EL) qualification.
FM18 Greek Leagues & Cups | 2019 Edition
9441 939 1New 2019 edition of the Greek football leagues and cups to use with FM 2018. Created by KoKostas.
FM18 Database: Syrian Leagues & Players
4754 248This is the full Syrian Leagues & Cups structure following the changes made by the Syrian FA this Season 2017/18. Plus all the Syrian Premier League players.
FM18 Megapack 279 Updates by claassen (Final Pack)
308159 74645 265This league megapack for Football Manager 2018 includes 279 updates of missing countries with 99% real format of competitions and 95-99% real rules.
Australian Lower Leagues for FM18
7388 1008 1Australian league system for FM 2018, unlocking additional leagues and cups under the Hyundai A-League.
Israel Level 5 for FM18
5801 389 1This FM 2018 database unlocks the Israeli lower leagues down to the 5th tier. Enjoy managing in Israel!
[FM18] Luxembourg 2018-2019 (Division 3)
5686 643Luxembourg championship playable until level 3, version 2018-2019.
Bulgaria Level 3 for FM18
5221 428 1This FM 2018 database unlocks the Bulgarian lower leagues down to the 3rd tier, without playoffs. Enjoy managing in Bulgaria!
Netherlands Level 6 for FM18
10606 1323 2This FM 2018 database includes the Dutch football pyramid down to the 6th tier and the real Under 19 football pyramid down to the 5th tier. Created by Reinalda.
German Football League Pyramid - Men , Women & Youth
17939 2446 8Expansion of the German football league Pyramid for men down to lvl 13 , women down to lvl 4 and youth 2 lvl's.
Syrian Leagues & Cups for FM18
3829 201 2This is for those who are after the Syrian league system (Premier / First / Second divisions + cups) for FM 2018.
Indonesia Leagues Level 3
15338 1937 1This update for FM 2018 unlock the Real Indonesian Football Pyramid down to the third division and the local Cups as well. Created by Cobalt.
Polish National Leagues (Level 7) for FM18
20520 4428 3This add-on (update) for FM 2018 unlocks the Polish Football Pyramid down to the seventh division and the local Polish Cups as well. Created by
Thai League 2018 by Thailand FM Research
11483 1652A FM 2018 addon pack by Thailand FM Research team that updates the Thai League 2018 and enhances your experience with the graphics included.
Finland level 5 - Nelonen Unlocked
5785 747 1You can now manage Santa Claus FC!
Original db made by Riddler (STEAM_1:1:16263631) i just fixed some errors and made it work for the new patch (18.3.4)
FM 2018 England Lower Leagues to Level 22
77385 16499 17Unlock England lower leagues down to level 22 (!) plus all Cups with the biggest English database for Football Manager 2018. Created by Dan BHTFC. Version 2.0 out in May 2018.
North Korea DPR K-League 1+2 for FM18 [UPDATED]
13521 1357 2Both divisions of North Korea's football system, as well as an inactive 3rd division, with the Republican Championship cup. Database for FM 2018.
PFL Russia D3 Classic for FM18
11390 1673A FM 2018 database that updates Russian leagues and stadiums to be more true to life, and unlocks the third division (PFL) of the football pyramid.
Kenya Leagues for FM18
5092 425Play the Kenyan league system down to the 4th level with over 120 teams from across Kenya. Database for Football Manager 2018.
Cook Islands Leagues for FM2018
5419 285This FM 2018 database includes the Cook Islands football pyramid (+ U20 Divisions).
English Level 10 - FM18 Database
19039 2664 4Unlock England's lower leagues down to level 10. English football pyramid for Football Manager 2018.
Danish Lower Leagues for FM18
9980 935 3Unlock Denmark's lower divisions down to level 7 (Serie 2) on Football Manager 2018.
Alsdc Brasil Real Pyramid FM18
16372 2377 1Real Brazilian football pyramid including playable leagues Serie A, Serie B, Serie C and Serie D, as well as lower division (not playable). Database for FM 2018.
Italian Serie D for FM18 by ElCobra
33761 6419 6Unlock the Italian Serie D, Eccellenza e Promozione (Italian 6th Level) with real format & rules in Football Manager 2018. Created by ElCobra.
Arab Leagues Megapack 2017/18
18825 2745 5An all Arab leagues megapack including 22 nation updates for the 2017/18 season. A database pack for FM 2018 by qwert2.
Fiji Leagues for FM18
5741 415This FM 2018 database unlocks the Fiji football pyramid down to the second division, and 5 different cups to compete in.
Kuwait League & Data 2017/18
5013 339Unlock the Kuwaiti league system with real structure and data for the 2017/2018 season, with this Football Manager 2018 database.