Football Manager 2022 Data Updates
Get the essential Football Manager 2022 real names fix. Apply the latest transfers with up-to-date FM22 roster updates. Choose the best FM 2022 data update.
FM22 Club & Competition Name Fixes
25952 4149Fixed the names of various clubs, leagues and competitions in one bulk pack. No file deleting or editing needed. A database for FM 2022.
Catalan Nationality in FM22
5409 258All people from Catalonia now have Catalan second nationality.
FM22 Transfers & Data Update Packs by TheNotoriousPr0 + FMTU
1226042 388841 657The best Football Manager transfer & data update all-around is back! Featuring 201.037 changes until the 10th of October 2022 that FM 22.4 doesn't include!
FM22 Data Tweaks [Final Version]
270287 63184 181SI Database Tweaks for FM 2022 with changes to improve the gaming experience with new existing Players and Wonderkids, updated Staff and Board members missing in Clubs.
FM22 Increase Realism Megapack by Daveincid
357396 62577 130This megapack improves several values for all Nations in-game to increase realism in FM 2022 to a whole new level.
FM22 Custom Start Date (May 2022) by @Timo@
42295 7096 12Do you want to start your game in 2022? With these updates you will be able to start your save in May 2022. Created by @Timo@.
FM 22 The Pioneers Database
18806 851Typhoons, floods, wars, poverty, hunger, all makes people move to safer places on Earth.
FM 22 Sleeping Giants Awaken Database
22245 982 2English, German, British, French, and Italian leagues are full of sleeping giants. Which one of them will you awake?
[FM22] Remove all injuries, loans and/or suspensions (4 files)
6121 782Remove all injuries, suspensions and/or loans (4 files) from the original BDD. By @Timo@
Turkish Foreign Rule Fix for FM22
14419 1550 1A fix for the unrealistic and gamebreaking Turkish foreign player rules. With this fix you get to have 14 foreign players in Super Lig teams like it used to be.
Quality Regens Nation Youth Rank & Rep FM 22 Database
27463 4213 11Quality Regens - unlock the full potential of the Football Manager 22 engine with nation youth ranking, reputation, index worldwide database update!
Football Manager 2022 Real Names Licence Fix
5195408 428135 161FM22 real names fix. Fix fake name of competitions, clubs and awards with their real names in Football Manager 2022. Fix works with your current FM 2022 saves. Updated on March 29th.
New Polish Talents for FM22
10560 636 1Created some new Polish players who are not in the original database! Also adjusted CA and PA for some existing ones.
34994 2826 8Realistic YOUTH RATING for FM 2022, according to average FIFA RANKING (1993-now) & intercontinental match results between countries from different continents.
FM22 Extended Injuries System
26451 4146 7Santa Clara Fixed (Database Errors in Official Game)
7699 588Update that fixes the errors left by the Portuguese researchers in the Santa Clara club.
FM22 Realistic Media Pack
97968 28568 12The largest & most realistic media pack for FM22 ever. Adds 4,250+ real media, 1,000 real journalists & 100 bookmakers, along with their styles & personalities.
FM22 Awards Overhaul
47908 11198 2160 New Awards, along with a entirely reworked reputation system. Can you be the best manager in the world, and earn all 4 new global awards? FM 2022 database.
FM22 Realistic Competition Colors
88302 22930 2About 70% of the competitions in Football Manager have inaccurate color schemes. This file applies over 400 competition colors updated and fixed.
FM22 Realistic Weather
79296 21676 2Real-life annual weather data from and was used to optimize current weather patterns, and create new ones.
Nik33's FM22 Data Packs
85176 13363 4Nik33's FM Data Packs have been around for 13 years now, being one of the very first to use many different files for a variety of add-ons to our favourite game.
Russian Data Update & League Addon for FM22
26347 2973 6An immersive and realistic upgrade to the Russian football system for FM 2022. Created by Russian Football News.
Nik33's FM22 Agents Pack
55881 14840 8Adds more than 1,020 real life agents and their connections to over 13,000 players / clients, including every relevant relationship status as well.
Arsenal Youth FM22
15853 1538 3This FM 2022 database adds missing Arsenal youth players who play for their academy. Plus some rating updates for some of those players.
FM22 Injuries Decreased by 50%
40393 8137 21Enjoy 50% reduced injury occurrence with this database for Football Manager 2022.
Football Manager 2022 Competition Colour Fix (Tested with 2210)
89057 19263 27Competition Colour Fix gives a must needed facelift to in-game competitions.
Ajax Staff Update 2022 by KreWL
40383 5545 8This is an update on the Ajax Staff since they only have Overmars and Ten Hag in the game. I did one last year and hope the people will enjoy it again.
Real Portuguese Media & Sports Websites for FM22
18941 2914 3The following FM 2022 database adds several Portuguese real sports media. A simple increase of realism into the game.