Sports Interactive are streaming live a play-through session of Football Manager 2020 for the first time. On October 21st we can watch FM20 gameplay live!
FM 2020 release date of has been officially confirmed: 19th November 2019. Beta Access will be unlocked at least 2 weeks earlier for preorders. Last updated on October 15th, 2019.
Compete with our community on Fantasy UCL 2019/20. Set up your fantasy football team at the Official Champions League site. Free to play fantasy football game.
Pre-Purchase Football Manager 2020 from our store to receive immediate access to a fully-playable beta version of the game almost 3 weeks before the final release!
Football Manager 2020 announce trailer & artwork revealed. Football Manager 2020 is officially confirmed & arriving in early November. Create the future!
FM19 is one of the launch titles included in Xbox Game Pass for PC beta that made its debut in June 2019. FM 2019 is also available on the Windows store.
Stadia will make it possible to play FM20 in the cloud, but you'd have to wait til November for the premium edition and be OK with playing the game with no mods.
No official FM19 data update, no problem! Our endorsed summer transfer update for FM 2019 is the next best thing before Football Manager 2020. Updated daily!
Can't wait for the official data update til March? Our endorsed winter transfer update for FM 2019 comes to the rescue! Football Manager 2019 January transfers.
This minor update brings some performance improvements on Mac and a couple of misc bug fixes. Patch 19.2.3 for the final release of Football Manager 2019.
Eugene is working on Genie Scout 19. The public edition is scheduled for November 25th, but you can already get your hands on the beta of the "g" edition.