Football Manager 2019 Database
Find Football Manager 2019 data updates that enable you to fix fake competition names, add new leagues, get roster updates & take on custom scenarios in FM19.
Polish Lower Leagues (down to 4th level) by Bigpole
32031 5187 12Poland's football pyramid for FM 2019, playable down to 4th tier. 19.3 Version.
Italian New Structure for FM19
21251 1728 5This FM 2019 database creates an alternative league structure of Italy for the 1st, 2nd, 3th, 4th level and the national cup.
Red Bull Santa Clara Challenge
18663 1974 4After Caen has been bought, a great investor has arrived in São Miguel.
Indonesia Leagues Level 5 FM19 / Final Version + Add On
21508 4444 1This update for FM 2019 unlocks the Indonesian Football Pyramid down to the fifth division and the local Cups as well. Created by Cobalt a.k.a Khaidar Ali.
Australian Fantasy Pyramid (14 Levels)
9037 473Full Fantasy Promotion-Relegation Pyramid in Australia. 126 Leagues and 1580 real life clubs added. Down to the 14th tier. Database for FM 2019.
Tanzanian Football System for FM19
5746 565 1This update unlocks Tanzanian NEW FM 2019 football pyramid, includes 2 tiers, Super Cup and FA Cup.
New German Football Pyramid for FM19
17783 1446 2New German football pyramid with more playable levels. League system inspired by English pyramid. Database for FM 2019.
Neloxia Fantasy Level 12 for FM19
12326 518 11Neloxian fictional universe which replaces Gibraltar as a playable nation with Neloxia, a 12-tier pyramid & European emerging power with lots of cash flowing.
FC Stroitel Pripyat (by
11873 404 1Chernobyl football team is back! Are you ready for this challenge?
Red Bull Caen Challenge
18945 2822 3Can you pass PSG with the new richest player in the French league, Caen? That has just been purchased in the game by Red Bull.
Unified Ireland Leagues for FM19
12611 822 9I've created a new league format for the Irish leagues, which combines teams from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. A 11-tier football pyramid for FM 2019.
A-League Expansion for FM19
11660 1239 4You unlock Western United & Macarthur FC for the 2019-2020 season and 2020-2021 season respectively [help from davie77 at SI Forums].
Developed Brazil
15494 1917 1Hire Europeans to Brazil becomes possible with this FM 2019 database mod.
Australasia Nations League FM19
6327 381 1A FM 2019 database including up to 7 tiers and subdivisions in 'Australasia", containing clubs and leagues from Australia, New Zealand and many Pacific Island nations.
FIA Football Pyramid
23309 867The FIA Football Pyramid consist of 3 leagues. Formula One, Formula Two & Formula Three.
Kenyan Football System for FM19
6112 482 1Four tiers of the Kenyan Leagues System & Cups structure following the real-life Kenyan Leagues this Season 2018/19. A database for FM 2019.
EA's FIFA the Journey Database
31017 1593 2This database for FM 2019 adds characters from the EA's FIFA The Journey in the game.
British Isles Football Pyramid - N.E.W.I.S. Premier League
11658 683 4Have you always wandered what would happen when you would mix the best teams of Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England? Then look no further!
Syrian Leagues System & Cup for FM19
5547 574This is the full Syrian Leagues System & Cups structure following the real-life Syrian Leagues this Season 2018/19. A database for FM 2019.
Papua New Guinea by Reinalda
5295 484Papua New Guinea NEW FM 2019 football pyramid, includes 1 tier (4 divisions with a championsship playoff) and U20 in the same format.
New Caledonia by Reinalda
5369 421New Caledonia football pyramid for FM 2019, includes 2 tiers (2nd tier includes 3 divisions), 1 cup and a U20 division.
American Samoa by Reinalda
5601 422 1American Samoa football pyramid for FM 2019, includes 2 tiers, 1 cup, 2 custom divisions and a cup.
Cook Islands by Reinalda
5050 414Cook Islands football pyramid for FM 2019, includes 1 tier, 1 cup, custom U20 division and cup.
Fiji Leagues by Reinalda
6753 549 2Fijian football pyramid for FM 2019, includes 2 tiers, 4 cups, custom made U20 divisions and much more!
Internation Football - Fifa Nations League
18754 1601 2A league for International Football. 20 nations in the Premier League and 24 teams in the Championship, League 1 & League 2 based on April's Fifa World Rankings.
African Leagues & Cups for FM 2019
26445 5486 4This file unlocks 26 African leagues with cups and super cups. 95% real rules. Compatible with FM 19.3 version.
Great Britain League FM19
18490 1255 3England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Ireland join a combined competition. A database for FM 2019.
[FM19] UEFA Revival 1.5
51837 6653 35A throwback to UEFA competitions of old (with some customized formats and nation rankings added also). There are 33 different UEFA structures included, along with the UEFA Youth League, the AFC, a CONCACAF/CONMEBOL merger, and year-long transfer windows.
Return Of The Legends for FM19
101894 13825 71Be a part of history with 4000 greatest legends of football and lead your team to glory. The most popular database with legends for FM so far.