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World Cup 2014 Team Previews

We're looking for contributors to write up an article for each team that qualified to WC2014.
Started on 28 May 2014 by Stam
Latest Reply on 30 May 2014 by Stam
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Stam's avatar Administrators Stam
10 yearsEdited
We want you to help out with writing squad previews for all the teams that qualified to the World Cup 2014. Remember that all previews have to be directly related to the teams/players in Football Manager 2014. Here's a template of what you'll be asked to write about.

1) group the team is in + squad list (with pic if applicable)
2) history - recent performances in previous world cups and honors (if any)
3) star players/ones to watch
4) current manager - brief profile
5) team legends
6) top clubs of nation - brief mention
7) media prediction + personal opinion
8) references - links to official places (twitter, federation site)

If you have any objections or suggestions of altering this template, feel free to share your opinion.

We basically need to produce 32 articles. I'll make a list of all 32 teams below and you can tell me which ones you want to write about so I can assign you to them.

Brazil (hosts) - Walter
Argentina - Walter
Colombia - l3nnart
Uruguay - Jack
Belgium - Bst222
Germany - Josh_MU
Spain - pompeyblue
Switzerland - Arvind

Algeria - jasonvilla4ever
Cameroon - AaronHJFT96
Ivory Coast - Jack
Ghana - TVDLC123
Nigeria - Pauker
Chile - Walter
Ecuador - fzemdegs

Australia - fzemdegs
Japan - fmhunter
Iran - fzemdegs
South Korea - TVDLC123
Costa Rica - jasonvilla4ever
Honduras - Josh_MU
Mexico - Justice
United States - Josh_MU

Bosnia and Herzegovina - _Man_u_barmy_army_
Croatia - ZapdosTheGreat
England - Josh_MU
France - pompeyblue
Greece - TVDLC123
Italy - LFC
Netherlands - LFC
Portugal - pompeyblue
Russia - Rablador

We need to start with this project right away and possibly aim to complete 2 articles per day so we can get them all done before WC2014 kicks off.
England, Belgium and Germany? :P
Italy Holland and Croatia??
Walter's avatar Group Walter
10 yearsEdited
Brazil Argentina, Chile please?
I can get Spain, France and Portugal done.
USA, Japan, Netherlands :)
Ivory Coast, Uruguay and Colombia?:)
Columbia, Uruguay and Russia :)
USA. Uruguay. Germany. :)
Australia, Netherlands, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Switzerland and Ivory Coast since they're not taken yet. :)
Greece, Ghana, and yes, cause I'm such a nice person, I'll take South Korea :P
Nigeria, Ivory Coast, England, Germany.
Cameroon. And if anyone else can't do a team I'll take it :)
I've set the team assignments. Please check first post to find yours. If you cannot deliver your assignment before June 7th, please leave a reply explaining as much.

The first article of this series has been published and you should use that as a template for how to do yours: WC2014 England Preview

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